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  • Sarah L Samuels

Sarah’s Pancakes

Updated: Jun 28

As it was coming up to Pancake Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday I thought why not do a recipe for pancakes but the thin crepe type ones!

Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent. Lent – the 40 days leading up to Easter – was traditionally a time of fasting so Pancake Tuesday was the last chance to have a bit of indulgence!

My boys have always enjoyed pancakes for breakfast or a treat in the evening as well as on Pancake Tuesday. My youngest likes chocolate spread on his and my eldest likes golden syrup! My favourite is fresh orange and a sprinkle of sugar.

When I had my cafe we did a special week of pancakes and offered lots of different toppings from fresh fruit to ice-cream and chocolate sauce. What are your favourite toppings?

Put the flour in a medium sized bowl, then make a well in the middle of the flour.

Crack the eggs into the well.

With a balloon whisk mix the eggs into the flour going round the middle and incorporating the flour from the edges.

Add a bit of the milk and whisk until you have a smooth consistency.

Then slowly incorporate the rest of the milk.

Place the mixture into the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

When ready to cook place a frying pan on a medium heat with about 1 Tbsp of olive oil. I use a pastry brush to cover the pan with the oil.

Put enough mixture in the pan to cover the base. You will need to rotate the pan back and forth to get an even covering of the pan.

Leave to cook for about 1-2 minutes then flip over and cook for a further minute.

Place on a plate and add your toppings.

Sarah's Pancakes

Sarah's skill: Easy

Sarah's servings: 6


125g Plain Flour

2 Large Eggs

250ml Milk

2 Tbsp Olive Oil


  1. Put the flour into a medium sized bowl.

  2. Make a well in the middle of the flour.

  3. Crack the eggs in the well.

  4. With a balloon whisk mix the eggs into the flour going round the middle and incorporating the flour from the edges.

  5. Add a bit of the milk and whisk until you have a smooth consistency.

  6. Then slowly incorporate the rest of the milk.

  7. Place the mixture into the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

  8. When ready to cook place a frying pan on a medium heat with about 1 Tbsp of olive oil. I use a pastry brush to cover the pan with the oil. You can add more oil between pancakes as necessary.

  9. Put enough mixture in the pan to cover the base. You will need to rotate the pan back and forth to get an even covering of the pan.

  10. Leave to cook for about 1-2 minutes then flip over and cook for a further minute.

  11. Place on a plate and add your toppings.

Equipment Used

Sarah's extra slice.......

You can double the mixture if you want to make more.

If you want to make them and heat up later then make the pancakes and separate with baking parchment on a baking tray. You can then warm through in the oven later. Or place on a plate with baking parchment and you can microwave them later.

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